Pine & Flower Honey 920g


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Through a laborious effort from beekeepers, the hives are placed in hard to reach areas throughout the pristine mountains of Ikaria. As a completely natural product uninfluenced by man each batch turns out unique and distinct in flavour and aroma based on seasonal climate conditions.

“With anticipation, we are always rewarded”

This exclusive honey is:

  • Pure natural 100% organic honey from hive to jar from the famous blue zone island Ikaria.
  • Dark amber in colour, richer and thicker than most honey’s.
  • Traditional medicinal honey containing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
  • Blue zone product with biologically active super food nutrition.
  • Sourced from the unique environment in which the indigenous bees gather their pollen and nectar from wild mountain flora.
  • Ikaria has no industrialization nor conventional farming. Therefore our honey is free from chemicals, pesticides and herbicides.
  • A significant part of the Ikarian diet, whose residents enjoy greater longevity and health than the rest of the world.

Additional information

Weight 1.230 kg
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 14.2 cm